
EtcdClient asynchronously sends HTTP requests to etcd servers and handles outcome responses.

EtcdClient uses AsyncHttpClient in order to build and send HTTP requests. Its methods were developed to suit etcd documentation. All methods use Scala Futures and Promises in order to provide an asynchronous implementation.

Depending on the request, either an error will be thrown or a response will bre returned. In both cases, there is a case class extending a trait in package model with a name ending in Result, which will be eventually returned containing either the response or information about the error in the manner explained in model.

Here we explain how to configure EtcdClient. We leave the discussion of all other implemented methods for later. For now, it suffices to say that there are four types of methods implemented:


  • etcdConfig: Instance of EtcdConfiguration with information about an endpoint to which requests will be sent and optional authorization data.

Configuration Methods

The following are methods used by EtcdClient for its configuration.

One of Etcd Client’s features is that it allows you to use etcd’s Auth and Security API. Once authentication is enabled, users must authenticate if they want to access some of the resources etcd has to offer. To do so, user the with authorization method.

Also, be aware that each EtcdClient instance must be closed after it is no longer used. Therefore there is also a method that allows to do just that.


Creates a new EtcdClient instance with authorization configuration.


  • auth: Case class providing a login and a password used for authorization.


Closes the internal resources. EtcdClient is based on AsyncHttpClient. This method closes the internal instance of AsyncHttpClient used to make HTTP response. This must be done with every instance of EtcdClient used, in order to close all internal instances of AsyncHttpClient.


Configures the EtcdClient with information about an endpoint to which requests will be sent. You can also add optional authorization data and an SslContext:

case class EtcdConfiguration(conn: String,
                            authorization: Option[EtcdUserAuthenticationData] = None,
                            optContext: Option[SslContext] = None


  • conn: String representing an HTTP endpoint composed of an IP address and a port.
  • authorization: Optional EtcdUserAuthenticationData that will be used to get authorization.
  • optContext: Look for io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext in the Netty Javadoc.

The withAuthorization method

Adds data used for authorization when it is enabled.


  • auth: A login and a password used for authorization.

The withTLS method

Creates a new EtcdClient instance with support for TLS.

See the V2 Security Model documentation in order to learn about the possible use cases of etcd with TLS. Make sure to fill in the details for properly configuring the TLS protocol according to your needs.


  • nettySslContext Look for io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext in the Netty Javadoc.

The EtcdDSL Object

Returns an instance of EtcdConfiguration using the parameter conn as input.


  • conn: String representing an HTTP endpoint composed of an IP address and a port.